Members of the 2023 Generation Now cohort pose for a photo together

Rose Community Foundation Launches New Giving Circles

For those unfamiliar with the practice, discussion of philanthropy often conjures up an image of a donor individually deciding where to give a large sum of money; however, recent years have seen a rise in collective giving, often in the form of giving circles.

Giving circles are when a group of individuals often sharing common values or beliefs, pool their individual contributions to make a big impact. Giving circles democratize philanthropy by allowing all members to have an equal say regardless of how much they contribute. They also reduce barriers between those who give and those who receive, and center relationship and trust at the center of the work. The Stanford Social Innovation Review estimates there are “over 2,000 giving circles in the US, with over 150,000 people involved in these circles, helping to donate nearly $1.3 billion.” Rose Community Foundation recently created two new giving circles, adding to the existing Roots & Branches Foundation and Rose Youth Foundation initiatives.

The Foundation recently launched the first cohort of Generation Now Circle, a giving circle that brings together a diverse group of talented and engaged individuals ages 25 – 40 to engage in collaborative philanthropy. During the program, members explore emerging community issues and innovative local solutions and identify shared values with which to build relationships with a group of diverse peers. Each cohort will grant approximately $50,000—provided by Rose Community Foundation and personally meaningful member contributions—to nonprofit organizations in the Greater Denver region.

Members of the 2023 Generation Now cohort include:

  • Jordan Alvillar
  • Amy Bowles
  • Tes Cohen
  • Sarah Dawson
  • Cullen Dilldine
  • Sophia Ernst
  • Selene Figueroa
  • Allyson Goto
  • Alex Kimata
  • Richard Maez
  • Alyssa Nilemo
  • Jennifer Ramos
  • Marlys Raycraft
  • Bilqis Shabazz
  • Amelia Tenne
  • Katrina Yoshida

Rose Women’s Circle traces its lineage to the Women’s Auxiliary at Rose Medical Center, which later became Rose Women’s Organization and continued its philanthropic mission to support the health, education and welfare of women and girls.

In 2022, Rose Women’s Circle was redesigned as a diverse giving circle focused on advancing gender equity in the Greater Denver community. The program brings together women from a range of backgrounds, races, ethnicities, lived experiences, religious affiliations and generations to build relationships with one another and amplify their charitable impact. Members learn from one another and from outside speakers about issues disproportionately impacting women and girls before determining the annual focus of the group’s grantmaking. This year’s Rose Women’s Circle cohort will focus their grantmaking on supporting women’s economic empowerment and stability.

Members of the 2022-23 Rose Women’s Circle cohort include:Members of the 2022-23 Rose Women’s Circle cohort standing together and posing for a photo

  • Makisha Boothe
  • Emeri Handler
  • Pauline Herrera
  • Grace Koo
  • Nazrawit Medhanie
  • Marlene Price
  • Marcia Segall



“Giving circles have the power to bring people together to deepen their connection, understanding, and commitment to our community. We are excited to expand the Foundation’s history of collaborative philanthropy to the broader Greater Denver region,” said Emily Kornhauser, the Foundation’s director of collaborative philanthropy. “The members of Generation Now Circle and Rose Women’s Circle are passionate, dedicated individuals and I look forward to seeing their collective impact.”

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