Strength to Strength Initiative

This series of community-wide professional development workshops is designed for organizational leadership, including CEOs, executive directors, development directors, program directors and lay leaders. We encourage organizations to invite board and committee members and welcome multiple staff and lay leaders from each participating organization. For specific location and date information, please contact


Succession Planning (Webinar)

It is inevitable that all staff will leave their organizations at some point. Is your organization prepared for that moment? In this session, we will explore the need for succession planning and how growing talented, committed individuals at every level of your organization mitigates risk, retains staff, and ensures the organization’s overall success. Third Plateau will lead the discussion and provide tools around best practices in succession planning and the role both board and staff play in this work.

Learnings from the Organizational Health Inventory

Wendy Rosov, founder and principal of Rosov Consulting, presented key findings from the 2022 Rose Community Foundation Organizational Health Inventory which was completed by all Jewish Life grantee partners. This data is intended to provide community-wide insights about the strengths and opportunities across our local Jewish nonprofit ecosystem.

Strategic & Business Planning

Learn when and how to develop and operationalize a strategic or business plan and surface key questions to help Jewish nonprofits achieve strategic clarity, operational needs, and a road map for a strong future. This workshop will be led by Jaré Akchin, vice president for Jewish community impact at Third Plateau.

Fundraising & Donor Engagement

Third Plateau will lead an interactive masterclass on developing targeted fundraising strategies and deepening donor relationships. Learn tools that build upon your expertise in outreach and fundraising and equip you with fresh insights and innovative approaches to effectively engage donors.

Board Engagement

An effective board of directors is essential to the success of an organization; explore best practices for creating and maintaining an effective and engaged board.

We Belong Together

Join Stacey Aviva Flint to explore how Jewish organizations can tap into the richness of traditions to create engagement opportunities for Jewish people of all backgrounds.

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