Colorado's State Capitol building

Our Initial 2023 State Legislative Endorsements

Rose Community Foundation has endorsed 10 bills that have been or will soon be introduced during Colorado’s 2023 state legislative session, and we look forward to advocating for their passage. 


Our positions are grounded in the Foundation’s values and policy priorities, and they are informed by our grantee and community partners who are on the ground in community identifying systemic barriers to equity and justice for those they serve. The Foundation is proud to support the dynamic work of over 40 advocacy organizations that craft and advocate for policy solutions to address systemic barriers to equity, justice, inclusion and engagement. Though we cannot weigh in on every policy proposal our grantee partners advocate for each year, we are thrilled to fund many of the nonprofits leading the most diverse and impactful legislative coalitions in Colorado.

Our mission and values inform our positions on these five pieces of legislation that uphold and expand the basic human rights of dignity, privacy and access to care. We will not stand idly by in the face of ongoing threats to reproductive and LGBTQ+ justice, and we support expanded access to mental health services.

Rose Community Foundation’s initial state legislative endorsement slate is listed below, and we may take additional positions later in the session. Visit our legislative agenda page to learn more about each of the bills and why we support them.

HB23-1057 | Fair and Family Friendly Restrooms 

To require gender-neutral restrooms and installation of baby changing stations in all restrooms in newly constructed or significantly renovated public buildings. 

SB23-174 | Access to Behavioral Health Services 

To remove barriers to behavioral health care for youth Medicaid recipients. 

SB23-190 | Transparency Against Deceptive Practices at Anti-Abortion Centers 

To prohibit the use of deceptive and dangerous advertising and practices by organizations that falsely pose as comprehensive reproductive health care clinics. 

SB23-188 | Reproductive and Gender-Affirming Care Protections 

To ensure criminal prosecutions and civil lawsuits against patients, providers and assistors of reproductive and gender-affirming care will not be recognized or enforced by the state of Colorado. 

SB23-189 | Insurance Coverage Reproductive and Preventive Health Care 

To strengthen reproductive health care coverage and ensure critical preventive health services are enshrined in state law. 

Updated as of March 24

HB23-1186 | Remote Participation in Residential Evictions

To allow both parties in an eviction proceeding to choose whether to participate in-person or remotely.

HB23-1219 | Gun Waiting Period

To establish a three-day waiting period before a firearms seller may deliver a gun to a purchaser.

SB23-169 | Increasing Minimum Age to Purchase Guns

To raise the minimum age to purchase firearms from 18 to 21.

SB23-170 | Expanding Extreme Risk Order Petitions

To expand Colorado’s red flag law to empower additional law enforcement members, educators and licensed medical and mental health care providers to seek an order before a tragedy occurs.

Eviction Court Data

To require extensive collection and publishing of eviction court data.

Those interested in learning more about our positions or our broader policy and advocacy work can contact Ray Barrie-Kivel, policy and advocacy manager. 

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