Rose Community Foundation recently launched an open grant opportunity aimed at advancing equitable economic opportunity, marking three years of grantmaking in this space. In response to the evolving needs of the region in the wake of the pandemic, the Foundation recognized that fostering equitable economic opportunities is crucial for empowering individuals to transition from merely surviving to truly thriving.
“The pandemic worsened and widened the opportunity gap, but also provided us with a unique perspective to envision and implement transformative changes in the area of economic opportunity,” says Maria Torres, community impact officer at Rose Community Foundation. “Building wealth creates generational sustainability, shielding against crises like pandemics, and gives people the agency to make decisions in the best interest of themselves and their families.”
As the 2024 equitable economic opportunity grant cycle launches, we reflect on past grantees and the work they have accomplished.
Initiatives at Work
In 2023, Rose Community Foundation granted $1,660,000 to 50 organizations working in this space across the Greater Denver region. The grants supported nonprofits and programs working to close gaps in access and opportunity, increasing financial security, dismantling generational cycles of poverty and growing assets for individuals and communities furthest from opportunity.
One grantee, Work Options, helps individuals overcome barriers to sustainable employment by building confidence, providing culinary job skills and offering ongoing resources.
“Rose Community Foundation recognizes the importance of training and services for those facing employment barriers,” says Julie Stone, executive director. “Their support has enabled Work Options to create equitable pathways into long-term careers for those in our community working to overcome significant challenges.”
Another grantee, Mosaic Church of Aurora, houses Mosaic Unlimited, an initiative dedicated to strengthening families, developing communities and enhancing safety in the North Aurora community. The grant supported the Mosaic Unlimited Fatherhood Support Program, which helps previously incarcerated fathers secure stable employment and achieve career growth.
“Being a dad saved my life in many ways,” says one program participant. “I know my children look up to me and I couldn’t let them down. Working with this program, and hearing other father’s stories, showed me I wasn’t alone, and that the community has our back.”
Access Gallery, another grantee, opens doors to creative, educational and economic opportunities for people with disabilities to access, experience and benefit from the arts. With the Foundation’s support, Access Gallery has lowered the 70% to 90% unemployment rate faced by individuals with disabilities.
“The mission of Access Gallery is to increase economic opportunity for artists with disabilities and the Foundation’s goals are uniquely aligned with our work,” says Damon McLeese, executive director. “We have helped hundreds of people with disabilities in Colorado grow their potential.”
The Colorado Equitable Economic Mobility Initiative (CEEMI) focuses on leveraging public funds to make training and postsecondary programs more accessible and affordable for lower-income learners, helping them secure jobs with livable wages. With support from the grant and other funders, CEEMI has facilitated important discussions between learners, frontline workforce training providers and key policymakers to drive meaningful reforms.
“We’ve unlocked Colorado wage data to measure learner outcomes across different job-training pathways, and we’ve helped enact and implement state and local legislation that better aligns public dollars with evidence of impact across those pathways,” says Founder and CEO Roger Low. “We will continue to fight for a more equitable system that empowers all Colorado learners to thrive.”
The full list of 2023 Equitable Economic Opportunity and Community Wealth Building grantees is available below. The current grant cycle is open now through August 28, 2024. More information is available here and interested applicants may sign up for a virtual 20-minute session to speak to Community Impact Officers Maria Torres and VJ Brown about this opportunity.
Access to capital for individuals, entrepreneurs and local businesses
Colorado Housing Accelerator Initiative (CHAI)
International Rescue Committee
Rocky Mountain World Trade Center Institute
Affordable home ownership
Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver
Eviction Prevention
Sister Carmen Community Center
Gentrification and displacement prevention
Justice for the People Legal Center
Social and financial capital through community development efforts
African Chamber of Commerce Colorado
Aurora Economic Opportunity Coalition
Montbello Organizing Committee
Social enterprise and cooperative models
Rocky Mountain Employee Ownership Center
Workforce Development
Center for Work Education and Employment
Focus Points Family Resource Center
Lutheran Family Services of Rocky Mountains
Metropolitan State University of Denver Foundation
- Work Options
- Work Options
- Work Options
- Work Options
- Work Options
- Work Options
- Mosaic Church of Aurora – Mosaic Unlimited Fatherhood Support Program
- Work Options
- Work Options
- Colorado Equitable Economic Mobility Initiative
- Colorado Equitable Economic Mobility Initiative
- Colorado Equitable Economic Mobility Initiative
- Mosaic Church of Aurora – Mosaic Unlimited Fatherhood Support Program
- Work Options
- Work Options
- Access Gallery