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Charitable giving in a challenging economy

Earlier this year, Bankrate and Psych Central released the Money and Mental Health study and, not surprisingly, a large number of people surveyed in the research reported that money has a negative impact on their mental health. Survey results varied across generations: Financial concerns psychologically impact 48 percent of Millennials, 46 percent of Generation X, and 40 percent of Generation Z.  Needless to say, every generation will feel the sting of any bear market, including (and especially) Baby Boomers.

Current economic conditions feel challenging, at best. Some people feel better if they can gain a better understanding of the factors that created the unpleasant mix of inflation, rising interest rates, and a bear market in the first place. Others are comforted knowing they are not alone as they ride the emotional rollercoaster.  And for those who are charitably inclined, challenging economic times might serve as an inspiration to become more intentional about charitable giving priorities. What’s more, not all donors will reduce their donations.

Here are three things donors should consider as bear market conditions hang on into the fourth quarter:

Not all stocks are down.

Giving appreciated stock to a donor-advised fund or other type of fund at Rose Community Foundation is always a tax-savvy alternative to giving cash, regardless of the economic situation. Donors may feel disappointed that their portfolios have hit a rough patch, but this does not mean that there aren’t still plenty of opportunities to avoid capital gains tax on stocks held for more than a year. (Take a look at the historical share price of Apple, for example, and imagine the capital gains tax liability for those who’ve held the stock for several years.)

Consider the needs of others who are even more acutely feeling the pinch of inflation.

Community needs are rising, and Rose Community Foundation is dedicated to staying on top of the issues that are critically important to quality of life at any given time. As we know, families with low or moderate household incomes can be especially vulnerable to high inflation. The Foundation is addressing these critical issues in a current grant cycle focused on equitable economic opportunity. Our team welcomes the opportunity to discuss aligned funding opportunities with interested donors.

Don’t forget about the Qualified Charitable Distribution.

We often mention this tool because it is a financially savvy way for donors to support the charities they care about. If an individual has reached the age of 70 1/2, they may be eligible to make annual distributions of up to $100,000 per spouse from IRAs directly to an unrestricted or field-of-interest fund at Rose Community Foundation (although not to a donor-advised fund). QCD transfers count toward satisfying clients’ Required Minimum Distributions and avoid the income tax on those funds. Plus, those assets are no longer part of an individual’s estate at death, which avoids estate taxes, too. What’s more, the QCD may get a boost if the EARN Act becomes law; proposed bipartisan legislation would expand the QCD rules to allow a one-time, $50,000 QCD to a split-interest trust such as a charitable remainder trust.

Please reach out to Judy Altenberg, director of donor funds and legacy giving, for more information about donor-advised funds and charitable giving options. 

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