
An aerial photo of a suburban neighborhood

Historic Property Loss and Planned Giving: A Q&A With Ty Nagamatsu

Property is a primary way that individuals and families pass down wealth, but communities of color have been disproportionately impacted by involuntary land loss through ostensibly “legal” avenues, such as eminent domain, Presidential Executive Order and Heirs’ Property. In January 2023, Rose Community Foundation hosted a presentation on historic property loss and planned giving where

Historic Property Loss and Planned Giving: A Q&A With Ty Nagamatsu Read Post »

A volunteer team from Young Invincibles

Organizations strive to increase youth voter engagement

While approximately 63 percent of young people in Colorado, ages 18-29, voted in the 2020 presidential election, youth participation in mid-term and off-year elections continues to lag behind other age groups. In Colorado’s 2022 primary election, only 4.3 percent of the ballots cast were from Coloradans age 24 or younger.  Barriers such as inadequate voter

Organizations strive to increase youth voter engagement Read Post »

Voting stalls

Our 2022 Ballot Positions

Informed by our organizational values, longstanding commitments and current strategic goals, Rose Community Foundation has taken a position on several statewide, Denver and school district ballot measures that would either advance or inhibit an equitable and thriving Greater Denver region. Our endorsements are informed by our policy and advocacy grantee partners and other community-informed organizations,

Our 2022 Ballot Positions Read Post »

David Asarch with his wife and three children

How younger generations are thinking about estate planning: David Asarch

Developing a thorough estate plan isn’t important only for Baby Boomers. Younger generations may prove to be more enthusiastic planners than their parents and grandparents, according to a 2022 estate planning study. This desire to plan early and involve family in their giving can help younger donors to build a philanthropic legacy that feels personally

How younger generations are thinking about estate planning: David Asarch Read Post »

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