Author name: rcfdenver

Nonprofits & Grants

Open and upcoming grant opportunities in 2023

Rose Community Foundation is excited to announce open funding opportunities and preview additional grant cycles planned for 2023. While each funding opportunity is designed to address different community needs, all are guided by the Foundation’s mission of advancing inclusive, engaged and equitable Greater Denver communities through values-driven philanthropy. Building Equitable Futures for Children and Youth […]

Open and upcoming grant opportunities in 2023 Read Post »

Four members of the Sakura Foundation
Nonprofits & Grants

Nonprofits Foster Civic Participation through Arts and Culture

In 2022, Rose Community Foundation awarded $200,000 to 32 organizations in Greater Denver encouraging participation in civic life through arts and cultural events. Grants supported both individual events and ongoing programming that promote a strong sense of community and reconnection after two years of pandemic-related separation and social division.  Irrespective of language, country of origin

Nonprofits Foster Civic Participation through Arts and Culture Read Post »

A volunteer team from Young Invincibles

Organizations strive to increase youth voter engagement

While approximately 63 percent of young people in Colorado, ages 18-29, voted in the 2020 presidential election, youth participation in mid-term and off-year elections continues to lag behind other age groups. In Colorado’s 2022 primary election, only 4.3 percent of the ballots cast were from Coloradans age 24 or younger.  Barriers such as inadequate voter

Organizations strive to increase youth voter engagement Read Post »

A man of color holds a cutout paper heart over his chest
Donors & Giving, Philanthropic Services

Charitable giving in a challenging economy

Earlier this year, Bankrate and Psych Central released the Money and Mental Health study and, not surprisingly, a large number of people surveyed in the research reported that money has a negative impact on their mental health. Survey results varied across generations: Financial concerns psychologically impact 48 percent of Millennials, 46 percent of Generation X,

Charitable giving in a challenging economy Read Post »

Voting stalls

Our 2022 Ballot Positions

Informed by our organizational values, longstanding commitments and current strategic goals, Rose Community Foundation has taken a position on several statewide, Denver and school district ballot measures that would either advance or inhibit an equitable and thriving Greater Denver region. Our endorsements are informed by our policy and advocacy grantee partners and other community-informed organizations,

Our 2022 Ballot Positions Read Post »

David Asarch with his wife and three children

How younger generations are thinking about estate planning: David Asarch

Developing a thorough estate plan isn’t important only for Baby Boomers. Younger generations may prove to be more enthusiastic planners than their parents and grandparents, according to a 2022 estate planning study. This desire to plan early and involve family in their giving can help younger donors to build a philanthropic legacy that feels personally

How younger generations are thinking about estate planning: David Asarch Read Post »

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