Our Community Funds

With more than two decades of experience in philanthropy, we help generous individuals, families and groups create positive change through their giving.

“The funding provided by Rose Community Foundation allowed us to maintain our organizational infrastructure and respond quickly and flexibly to emerging situations related to COVID-19 and anti-Asian hate crimes.”

Newcomers Fund

Contributions to the Newcomers Fund will support nonprofit and government organizations who are providing necessary services to the incoming migrant population arriving in Colorado, including food, clothing and medical needs; emergency shelter; employment opportunities; and wraparound support. 
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Fund for Jewish Life

Funds efforts to encourage a dynamic and inclusive Jewish ecosystem in the Greater Denver region, supporting the capacity of Jewish institutions, and advancing efforts to engage Jewish people to draw on Jewish values and traditions in response to key social and economic issues of our time. 
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Together Fund

Contributions to the Together Fund will be deployed directly and strategically into the community. One of the Foundation’s core values is Transformation Through Collaboration because we know we can achieve a greater impact through strong partnerships. Help our grantmaking go further and have a greater impact with a gift to the Together Fund. 
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Policy and Advocacy Fund

Supporting local nonprofits leveraging policy and advocacy efforts to help communities furthest from opportunity create conditions for equity, justice, inclusion and engagement. Contributions will fund grants to organizations working to close gaps in access, opportunity and power by cultivating systems change, growing resources or influencing the levers of policy. 
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