Empowering Change: The Impact of Civic Engagement

In the summer of 2024, Rose Community Foundation awarded $591,500 to 23 organizations dedicated to fostering strong and inclusive civic engagement in the Greater Denver region. These grants support nonprofits and programs that engage diverse communities and equip historically under-reached populations to participate in policy and electoral processes on local issues. Each of these organizations prioritizes the voices of impacted communities, demonstrates a strong commitment to advancing equity, and has leadership that reflects the communities they serve. 

One grantee, Metro Caring, aims to reverse adverse health and economic trends for those most affected by food insecurity. They empower community leaders with lived experience to advocate for better policies, meeting people’s immediate need for nutritious food while building a movement to address the root causes of hunger.  

“We are passionate about ensuring our community members with lived experience are driving the work to identify the best solutions to the issues impacting them most,” says Tash Mitchell, director of programs and impact. “Support from Rose Community Foundation allows us to do just that by funding our Bilingual Spokesperson Certification program. This program provides our community members with the training and resources to share their stories authentically and effectively.”  

Another grantee, Sun Valley Youth Center (SVYC), is dedicated to empowering youth and their families to achieve their fullest potential. SVYC believes that every young person in the Sun Valley neighborhood, regardless of socioeconomic status, ethnicity or religion, deserves equal opportunities for growth and success. 

SVYC is regularly invited to speak with Denver City Council to inform councilmembers of changes in the Sun Valley neighborhood. Local youth often attend these meetings to advocate for their community’s needs. The grant from Rose Community Foundation aims to enhance these efforts by promoting upcoming meetings to local youth, preparing students to present to the city council, and providing transportation to and from meetings. 

“We are hoping to activate all of our new community members as well as reconnect with older members returning to the community, and we look forward to being a resource for connectivity and engagement,” says Kris Rollerson, executive director.  

Climate Justice Collaborative of Boulder County is another organization mobilizing and empowering community members with a specific goal in mind. The Valmont Power Plant in Boulder has historically disposed of toxic coal ash waste, posing significant environmental and health risks to surrounding communities. Their project aims to elevate community voices to advocate for a fair and transparent cleanup process, mitigate risks, and address long-standing environmental injustices. 

“This grant will provide the resources to ensure this group has the support it needs to amplify the voices of impacted residents and gain proximity to the institutions that need to hear their concerns and perspectives,” says Micha Kurz, member of the Climate Justice Collaborative Steering Committee. “There can be no justice without strong communities.” 

The full list of 2024 Civic Engagement grantees is below:  

African Chamber of Commerce Colorado 

Climate Justice Collaborative of Boulder County  

Colorado Civic Engagement Roundtable  

Common Cause Education Fund 

Colorado Youth Congress  


Community Resource Center 

Denver Justice Project 

Elevated Denver  

GES Coalition 

Healthy Air and Water Colorado 

Latina Initiative  

League of Women Voters of Colorado  

Metro Caring 

National Civic League 

RISE Colorado  

Seasoned with Grace Unboxed 

Sun Valley Youth Center 

Transformative Leadership for Change  

Warm Cookies of the Revolution  

Young Aspiring Americans for Social and Political Activism  


YWCA Boulder County  

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